Sometimes, I do things other than Ingress (I know.
Sometimes, I do things other than Ingress (I know… hard to believe, right?). Today was Patriots Day at Frankton Elementary School and we took a crew from my fire department over to join in the festivities. This was our first “event” since I changed departments and joined the crew at Richland Township Volunteer Fire Department, and I was proud to be able to go represent my new department. I could do a whole write-up about why I volunteer, but I already wrote it up once for the FD’s Facebook page, so I’ll just borrow from there… 🙂
This morning, we had the opportunity to take Engine 48 and Ambulance 45 over to Frankton Elementary School to participate in Patriots Day or “Everyday Heroes” Day. Fire, police, EMS and military personnel with ties to the students were all welcome to participate, and there was quite a turnout.
900 students stood in the gray drizzly morning and sang “Proud To Be An American” at the top of their lungs, and then there were lots of high fives. These kids weren’t born on 9/11/01… they don’t remember that day the way the adults do. What they got out of today was an opportunity to appreciate and thank and interact with their local first responders. An opportunity to put faces with the uniforms, up close. To give a high five or a hand shake or just a quiet “Thank you.”
And for us… it was 900 little reminders of why we do this… and why we will never forget those who served before us.

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