Posts Tagged ‘awesomesauce’
OP: Jacquie
OP: Jacquie
So first there was Giftwrap, and we had a bunch of Seymour keys left, and I said “We should use this line again some day.” Then there was a perfectly innocent meeting for dinner in Marion. Being me, I left a path of destruction from Indy all the way to the restaurant (there’s not much open in Marion on a Sunday night, btw) and, being them, Sofakat and HostileSpider did the same on their way from Ft. Wayne. Apparently local frogs took note and were a bit perturbed that Sofakat and TollerMom were in the same place (because clearly we’d be making that much noise if we were up to shenanigans, right??). Besides, who cuts a lane through Marion, anyway? That’s just silly. (Famous last words, right?) But… but… what if you did want to cut a lane through Marion? What would you do with it, and why? Hmmm… if we went here… and there… gee, that would line up nicely with (you guessed it)… Seymour! And it would be a little bigger than Giftwrap, so more million-MU layers! Shiny! Oh, what the heck… let’s do it! Keys were farmed and moved, people were recruited, and Op: Jacquie was born. “Why midnight?” my crew asked… “Ummm… because I don’t sleep, ever, and because I don’t want to cut through Marion in the middle of the day?” was about the best answer I could give them.
But even at midnight, in the cold, Indiana RES comes out to play. Some of them went way out-of-area to just sit and wait to drop one blocker. Others went and sat with nothing to do, just in case. The north lane crew picked up last-minute additions when @0674 and @Mrs0674 showed up in Marion and got scooped into the op. That team burned such a pretty path through the middle of Marion and the surrounding area… I’m not sure you could have picked a more ENL-dense section of the state to clear… and it just was a beautiful thing to watch.
While the north lane crew was laying waste to Marion, the other agents were sneaking up on targets on the east and west lanes and just waiting. And then the word came… the north lane was clear and we could throw. All the other blockers fell, the outside layer went up, and I breathed a sigh of relief and settled in to watch the rest of the Seymour line light up and the fields come online. 18 layers up before midnight! W00t! Unfortunately, an Enlightened agent made record time down to Seymour and managed to get five layers down before checkpoint, but we still put almost 16m MU to checkpoint!
Layers: 18
MU per layer: 1.2m
Total MU thrown: 21.98m
Total MU to CP: 15.9m (13 layers)
Badges: 2 Onyx Illuminator
Supreme Overlord (don’t ask… it’s in his contract):
Jarome Allen
Anchor Teams:
Hoss Bosley
Shanna Jenkins
Geoff Estes
Jen Schmetzer
Eric Thomas
David Huang — Onyx Illuminator
Jeffrey Lebowski — Onyx Illuminator
Jay DeRue
Shari S
The entire Indiana team rocked this op. I’m proud to be a member of this team. Also, I was lucky enough to have an absolutely awesome IO team. They can be my eyes any time! Let’s do it again!!
#sitrep #bigbluetriangles #awesomesauce #indianaresistance #BAF #RGNN #IngressReport
OP: Giftwrap
OP: Giftwrap
*This is the Sit-Rep for the South field of the combined Indiana operations. Jokingly called..
“Operation Windex”
It’s been awhile since IndyRES BAFfed Indy. But then Jarome Allen was planning this op to our north and he said “Someone should do something with this lane north of Indy I’m going to open up.”
That sounded like a good idea, but I don’t op and surely somebody else would take it and run with it, right?
Then I looked at my calendar and realized that Jarome’s date for Sandra happened to be on Christylee Vickers birthday. Ooooh… ChristyLee doesn’t have onyx Illuminator, does she? And last year… well, let me let Christylee tell you about last year…
Call it my Birthday but in the last year it has become more than just a day to mark the day I was born. It is also the day I almost died, and fought the hardest battle of my life. To live.
A year prior I was in the deepest darkest Depression of my Entire Life. And the day after my birthday, I self-admitted myself into the hospital, because I needed help. Or I would die. This is where my Ingress Family stepped in. Not only did I get a card, while I was inpatient. They would stay checking in on me, coming to my home to just sit with me, or answer the phone. They helped me and my family by being the support and safety net I needed to work on getting out of the darkness.
So we had a lane, a date, and a reason.. the motivation we needed to kick us into gear and actually Do This Thing! A quick conversation with Amos Vickers ensued and Operation Giftwrap was born, ’cause an op is way more fun than a birthday party, right?
And here’s what happens when you take someone who’s never run a big op before (that would be me) and you plan an Indy cover… See, I didn’t know all the reasons to avoid certain areas… this big frog lives here, and those problem areas are there, and who in their right mind covers Indy at 5 o’clock in the afternoon on a Saturday anyway? So Jarome sketched out a triangle using part of our existing southern lane of Sandra, and I played with it some, and moved the southern point ’cause there was this tasty row of portals in Seymour, and next thing we knew… it looked like a plan. 19 layers, with an anchor reasonably close to Christylee and Amos and one close to the west anchor of Sandra. And yeah, there were a bunch of areas that people who Knew More About Indy Covers looked at and went “Really???” but for some reason they humored me…
Keys were procured. Whoa. So many keys. So many nerves. Suddenly it was op week and holy crap, I really have to do this thing, don’t I? But, ummmmm, I don’t op, people! Okay, I think this means I need an IO, ’cause I’m sooooo not running an Indy cover by myself. Note that I was still denying that I was running an op at all. Nope. Not gonna happen. I’m just herding cats. (Denial… not just a river in Egypt…) With the IO question answered, but knowing that [redacted] was very busy with work until op day, I settled in to finish wrangling the details. And there were a lot of details. Targets to mark. Zones to assign. People to position… the list goes on.
I could bore you with a lot of details here, but instead I’ll give you a few memorable moments from the day…
About 2 p.m., finally admitting to myself, after a week of denial, that yes, I am in fact about to run an Indy cover.
4 p.m., discovering we had an agent stuck in traffic 50 minutes from his target. Moments later, having a pair of agents volunteer to split up and one be on his way to cover the vacated target. Problem solved.
Shortly after 4:40, getting ready to spin up Giftwrap after Sandra had started, and hearing the words that BlackOliveLover was at Sandra’s anchor. My heart sank… but I couldn’t listen… or watch… and I had to drop out of the Zello channel for Sandra and focus on getting Giftwrap moving.
Eep! Everybody said we’d go 800k or 900k per layer. But we caught Muncie in addition to Indy. Guess that bumped it a little. Stopped to catch my breath and clear my throat before I could call the next throw.
5:03 The excitement I felt when I saw the first Sandra layer go up to our north. Still didn’t have time to listen in on their Zello, but was so glad they’d resolved their frog problem and gotten the op up!
5:20: A Frog Arrives in Crawfordsville… We were waiting out the Jarvis timer to drop the first set of fields and rethrow for badges when Katherine Getts – WinterrRose radioed that Strifu had arrived and was tearing everything down. “I’m sending JJ after him!” By this time the ENL giga field was up out west and intel had slowed to a crawl. My map wouldn’t refresh and I had no idea what was going on. Kat took charge like a rock star, threw small children at the “enemy,” rebuilt the portal, rethrew the base, and got the Fezzes and Roars their onyx Illuminators before we were shut down for good. Best Ammo Ever. We were confused, though… it was after checkpoint and we didn’t expect such a fight over just throwing for badges. Didn’t realize ’til shortly after that it was because our combined ops were in the way of an ENL gigafield and that was why he was so determined that Giftwrap had to come down and stay down! Watching both field teams shift into defense mode was awe-inspiring!
I love my team. I had no idea if I could pull this off. Would people come out for a rookie op-runner? Jarome kept telling me I could do it. Jay D just kept pulling more people out of thin air like a magician pulling rabbits out of a hat. Everybody allowed me my delusion that I wasn’t really running an Indy cover. And all these amazing people came out to sit around in cars on a Saturday afternoon. Most of them had one thing to do. One Jarvis to throw. One portal to kill. A few just got sent to sit and wait… just in case. Everybody was awesome and I love them all.
When can we do it again?
Giftwrap (South):
Layers: 30 (16 on first throw, 14 on second throw)
MU per layer: 1.1m
Total MU thrown: 32.89m (18.143m in first throw, 14.748m in second)
Total MU to CP: 9.046m (8 layers)
Badges: 8 Onyx Illuminator
Sandra (North):
Number of Layers: 11
MU Per Layer: 1.00 million
MU to CP: 0 (bummer)
Total MU thrown: 11.0 million
Onyx Badges: 2
Sandra Sitrep:
Op Video:
Supreme Overlord (Ops Sandra and Giftwrap):
Jarome Allen
Anchor Teams:
Christylee Vickers (our birthday girl!) – Onyx
Amos Vickers – Onyx
Katherine Getts – WinterrRose – Onyx
Spazzer – Onyx
Jay D
Elle C
[also redacted]
Dana Armstrong
Diana Ayers
Neil Ayres
Chris Blackwell
Tina Blackwell
Elle C
Zac Coghill
Mary Coghill
Maggie Coyne
Geoff Estes
Barry Faust
Peter Hanshew
Cody Harbaugh
Ryan Kennedy
Kevan Knox
Joe Krupa
Brandy Neice
Michael Norton
Shadow Phox
Laurie Rohrer – Onyx
Michael Rohrer – Onyx
Annie Schuster
Eric Shriner – Onyx
Melissa Shriner – Onyx
Jen Schmetzer
Emily Steele
Bradley Stone – Sumo911
If I’ve missed anyone, I’m so so sorry. I deeply appreciate everyone who helped, and the one hazard of trying to list people is the fear that a name will get lost in the shuffle. I truly hope that hasn’t happened here!
#whyiingress #sitrep #bigbluetriangles #awesomesauce #indianaresistance #noflyzone #IngressReport #BAF #RGNN Resistance Global News Network #RGNN Ingress Linda Besh Ethan Lepouttre