it's a fuzzy fuzzy world…

posts from the heartland, about dogs, cats, fire departments, and gaming

Nick, Debbie and Pete

The politics of Pixy Stix

I scored a major stash of Pixy Stix in the run-up to OVFF and Halloween, then I only had four trick-or-treaters, so I left a big bag of Pixy Stix on the cabinet outside my office yesterday.

Entertainingly, all the blue and purple ones are now gone, leaving just the red and orange.

In this week of “Will Indiana be a blue state or a red state?” I’m amused by the fact that the color of our Pixy Stix-coated tongues in my workplace seems to be voting in favor of blue.

vote… just do it

If you’re a registered US voter and you haven’t voted yet, go.

Do not pass Go, do not collect $200, just go.

Worried about the lines? Take a book, or for the digitally enabled crowd, catch up on your email or your websurfing from your phone. In some areas, you may be surprised… with 10-20% of registered voters having voted early, lines may not be as bad as you expect! (I drove past my polling place this morning… there were maybe a dozen cars there. Apparently I could have voted faster this morning, way out in the country, than the time it took on Saturday… but that’s okay… I’m just happy that it’s done!)

No transportation? Call a friend… ride with a neighbor… take a cab or a bus.

Just go. Please? It’s important

trying something different…

In an effort to start using the blog on my website, I’m going to start cross-posting from to LJ. With luck, this will all just work. Of course, that would be somebody else’s luck. With _my_ luck, smoke will start billowing from the laptop at any moment!

[lj-cut text=”testing the cut-tag, and a gratuitous cat photo”]If this all works, this bit, including this lovely picture of Gorby, will be safely hidden behind a cut tag.

Gorby peruses the laptop and wonders why it's in her way.


Comments will be enabled in both places, so you can comment at or on LJ… whichever makes you happy! 🙂

soon… a fence!

Having recently moved to a new house in TinyLittleTown, IN, the dogs and I have been anxiously awaiting the day that they can actually enjoy the two-acre yard.

Well, that day is getting closer. Over the last week, corner posts were set, then everything was trenched (I’m having the bottom six inches of chain link buried to discourage digging) and the rest of the fence posts went in. Today, they started pulling chain link, and it’s looking great! With luck, they’ll be finished by the weekend and Drummer, Thunder, Snickers (my sister’s Shiba) and Secret (niece’s Shiba) will finally be able to run and play to their hearts’ content. I guess it’s time for me to either find the Flying Squirrel or buy a new one, so I’ll have something to throw for Drummy!

oooh… shiny!

Hey, look! It’s something new on!

Wow. It’s been a long time since the last time that happened!

Content coming soon… for now you’ll just have to settle for a starter post!