it's a fuzzy fuzzy world…

posts from the heartland, about dogs, cats, fire departments, and gaming

Nick, Debbie and Pete

Oops! And we’re back…

So… one of the hazards of having my email on a different server from my web pages is that I don’t always notice if “my domain” is down, ’cause my email is still working.

A week ago, my domain got moved to a different server. The host did all the work, and the move went flawlessly for all my other domains (which were using the host’s DNS). This domain, however, was using third-party DNS so that I could also have a backup mail server, and someoneWhoShallRemainNameless forgot to forward the notice that we were moving servers.


It took a week before one of my friends pointed out, via Twitter DM, that this site was offline (thanks, Nancy!). Found/fixed the DNS problem and life is good again. Upgraded WordPress while I was at it, since there was a security patch.

Maybe if I posted more often, people would notice when this place disappeared. I should do something about that, eh?

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