it's a fuzzy fuzzy world…

posts from the heartland, about dogs, cats, fire departments, and gaming

Nick, Debbie and Pete

Boozy cupcake production is underway. (The cupcakes are boozy… not me. At least not yet.)

Boozy cupcake production is underway. (The cupcakes are boozy… not me. At least not yet.)

“Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation…”

“Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation…”


Thanks, VSphere… that was… useful. #alertoftheday   #needmorelerts  


Argh! Stupid truck is dead (or maybe just temperamental, but definitely not driveable) at the office. So much for taking this afternoon off.


W00t! GigE up and running in new office. I feel much better now. Also, unrelated to my trip to the datacenter and more to crawling around under desks and moving kit, I am now very dusty. This was a bad day to wear black. On a related note, the idiots who wired my new office were, well, idiots.  #movingoffices   #cablejockey  

Frustration is being one link away from finishing a nice little set of fields and being at burnout on both ends of…

Frustration is being one link away from finishing a nice little set of fields and being at burnout on both ends of the link. #forlackofakey #ingress #playinginthepark

Didn’t realize what a creature of habit I was ’til I went to try out a new office, with a different furniture…

Didn’t realize what a creature of habit I was ’til I went to try out a new office, with a different furniture layout, and had to swap which side my secondary monitor (with my Windows VM) is on. Weird. And weird that it is so weird. I guess 12 years in the same office will do that to you…  #notnormallychangeaverse