it's a fuzzy fuzzy world…

posts from the heartland, about dogs, cats, fire departments, and gaming

Nick, Debbie and Pete

So… I guess there was an Ingress anomaly last weekend? :-D

So… I guess there was an Ingress anomaly last weekend? 😀

I just remember spending the weekend with a whole city full of my friends… some from home that I go to every anomaly with… some that I only see at anomalies and maybe a few times in between… some that I spent many long nights talking to during shards and finally met in person in Ann Arbor… and some that I met for the first time this weekend or in the run-up to the weekend. Ann Arbor… it was great! I’ll be back, for the banner missions I didn’t get to this time and to see more of the city without a scanner in my face.

I can’t begin to thank everybody that I should, so I’m not gonna even try. There are a few special mentions who can’t escape, though… Marinda Darnell and Barry Faust… you were the best co-leads I could have asked for. Team India thanks you. Katie Ronar, I’d have no A2 banners without you (not to mention no hotel room keys for Thursday night!)!!

And to the guys that I spent waaaaay too much time in Hangouts/Discord/Zello with in the two weeks before the anomaly (you know who you are)… it was downright weird not talking to you all every night this week (though actually sleeping was kinda nice).

(Also, thanks to the photographers whose pix I borrowed… I forgot to take many…)

#ingresslife #blueteambestteam #whyiingress #teamindia #HEYWEWON #annarborwillbeblue #midwestdoesitbest #itbeginsandendsindexter

D’awwwwww… kitteh!

D’awwwwww… kitteh!

Originally shared by nixCraft

“When your kitten printer runs out of ink midway…”

OP: Jacquie

OP: Jacquie


So first there was Giftwrap, and we had a bunch of Seymour keys left, and I said “We should use this line again some day.” Then there was a perfectly innocent meeting for dinner in Marion. Being me, I left a path of destruction from Indy all the way to the restaurant (there’s not much open in Marion on a Sunday night, btw) and, being them, Sofakat and HostileSpider did the same on their way from Ft. Wayne. Apparently local frogs took note and were a bit perturbed that Sofakat and TollerMom were in the same place (because clearly we’d be making that much noise if we were up to shenanigans, right??). Besides, who cuts a lane through Marion, anyway? That’s just silly. (Famous last words, right?) But… but… what if you did want to cut a lane through Marion? What would you do with it, and why? Hmmm… if we went here… and there… gee, that would line up nicely with (you guessed it)… Seymour! And it would be a little bigger than Giftwrap, so more million-MU layers! Shiny! Oh, what the heck… let’s do it! Keys were farmed and moved, people were recruited, and Op: Jacquie was born. “Why midnight?” my crew asked… “Ummm… because I don’t sleep, ever, and because I don’t want to cut through Marion in the middle of the day?” was about the best answer I could give them.

But even at midnight, in the cold, Indiana RES comes out to play. Some of them went way out-of-area to just sit and wait to drop one blocker. Others went and sat with nothing to do, just in case. The north lane crew picked up last-minute additions when @0674 and @Mrs0674 showed up in Marion and got scooped into the op. That team burned such a pretty path through the middle of Marion and the surrounding area… I’m not sure you could have picked a more ENL-dense section of the state to clear… and it just was a beautiful thing to watch.

While the north lane crew was laying waste to Marion, the other agents were sneaking up on targets on the east and west lanes and just waiting. And then the word came… the north lane was clear and we could throw. All the other blockers fell, the outside layer went up, and I breathed a sigh of relief and settled in to watch the rest of the Seymour line light up and the fields come online. 18 layers up before midnight! W00t! Unfortunately, an Enlightened agent made record time down to Seymour and managed to get five layers down before checkpoint, but we still put almost 16m MU to checkpoint!


Layers: 18

MU per layer: 1.2m

Total MU thrown: 21.98m

Total MU to CP: 15.9m (13 layers)

Badges: 2 Onyx Illuminator

Supreme Overlord (don’t ask… it’s in his contract):

Jarome Allen

Anchor Teams:

Hoss Bosley

Shanna Jenkins

Geoff Estes

Jen Schmetzer

Eric Thomas

David Huang — Onyx Illuminator

Jeffrey Lebowski — Onyx Illuminator

Jay DeRue

Shari S

































The entire Indiana team rocked this op. I’m proud to be a member of this team. Also, I was lucky enough to have an absolutely awesome IO team. They can be my eyes any time! Let’s do it again!!

#sitrep #bigbluetriangles #awesomesauce #indianaresistance #BAF #RGNN #IngressReport

Has it only been two years? Has it already been two years???

Has it only been two years? Has it already been two years???

My two-year Ingressversary snuck past while I wasn’t paying attention.

I look at my scanner today and I don’t see the badges and the AP and the MU and the levels… I see the people and the places and the events. I see the road trips to New Orleans, Orlando, St. Louis and Chicago for anomalies. The last-minute road-trip to Cincinnati for Disturbed. First Saturday road trip in the snow to Grand Rapids. Thanksgiving and Christmas spent with people I can’t believe I’ve known less than two years…

And mostly I see the people… not just Resistance and Enlightened… not just Smurfs and Frogs… but people who make my life better. People who’d still be part of my life, even if Ingress ended tomorrow.

Two years ago, I tried this game as a way to start walking more. I had no idea where it was going to lead.

#whyiingress   #ingressversary   #myingressfamily  

This was pretty much the scene in my living room floor last night while I tried to wrap presents…

This was pretty much the scene in my living room floor last night while I tried to wrap presents…

Originally shared by Simon’s Cat

Christmas wrapping with cats be like… 🎁 🎄 🐱 (Click for Sound)

Watch our Christmas films collection here:

Hat swap!

Hat swap!