it's a fuzzy fuzzy world…

posts from the heartland, about dogs, cats, fire departments, and gaming

Nick, Debbie and Pete

For the music geeks… this is fascinating.

For the music geeks… this is fascinating.

The displaced Southerner in me still hates driving on icy roads, but I must admit the snow makes for pretty sunsets.

The displaced Southerner in me still hates driving on icy roads, but I must admit the snow makes for pretty sunsets…

I <3 Emergency Wolf...

I <3 Emergency Wolf...

So cute!!

So cute!!

How cats celebrate Christmas… Kelly Shaw

How cats celebrate Christmas… Kelly Shaw 

Winter Solstice was awesome last night.

Winter Solstice was awesome last night. Full house, awesome music, good time chatting w/ friends afterwards. Thanks for coming out, Christylee Vickers and Amos Vickers … it was great to see you and the kids there! Now to load up the car and go do it one more time for the women at the Indiana Women’s Prison. Wheeee!